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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vivekananda Illam

Vivekananda Rock Memorial is another place in Kanyakumari which attracts large number of tourists. As its name implies, it is essentially a sacred monument, built by the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee to commemorate the visit of Swamy Vivekananda to - Shripada Parai - during 24th, 25th and 26th December 1892 for deep meditation and enlightenment.
From very ancient times, the rock has been regarded as sacred place. In Puranic tradition, it has been known as - Sripada Parai: meaning the rock, that has been blessed by the touch of Shripada feet of the Goddess.On the rock, is a projection similar in form to a human fort and a little brownish in complexion, which has traditionally, been revered as a symbol of Shripadam. According to legend, it was on this rock that Goddess Kanyakumari did Tapas.
Castle Kernan acquired historical and cultural value after Swami Vivekananda's stay there. Swami Vivekananda came to Tamil Nadu twice: first as an unknown wandering monk (December 1892 to April 1893) and then as the famous Swami Vivekananda, after his appearance at the Chicago Parliament of Religions and successful preaching work in the West.

In a very real sense, it was Chennai that first 'recognized' Swamiji's power and potential, and it was the young men of this city that took a leading part in sending Swamiji to the West.

After his triumphant march through the West for four years he returned to India via Colombo (Sri Lanka), Pamban, Rameswaram, etc to Chennai in February 1897. He was given a tumultuous welcome at Egmore Railway Station, a kind of welcome never extended to any other person in the recent history of India.
Being a disciple of the great Swami, Biligiri Iyengar offered Castle Kernan for the stay of his Master. Swami Vivekananda was taken there in a grand procession along with some of his western devotees (J.J.Goodwin, Capt. and Mrs. Sevier etc.), some eastern disciples (Swami Sadananda etc.) and two of his brother monks (Swami Shivananda, Swami Niranjanananda).
He stayed there from February 6 to 14, 1897, and delivered seven electrifying lectures revealing his plan of campaign to restore India to her pristine glory.
On the eve of his departure for Calcutta , i.e. on 14th February 1897, Swami Vivekananda was coming down the staircase of Castle Kernan. The devotees of Chennai requested him to have a permanent center here. Swamji readily agreed and deputed his brother disciple Swami Ramakrishnananda to initiate the Ramakrishna Order's activities in South India.

Swami Ramakrishnananda, a great thinker, erudite scholar, forceful speaker and, above all, a God-realized saint, arrived in Chennai in the 3rd week of March 1897 with Swami Sadananda and after a short stay of a few days at Flora Cottage, a building on the Ice House Road (now Dr. Besant Road), shifted to Ice House and established a shrine for Sri Ramakrishna there with the help extended by Sri Biligiri Iyengar, the owner of the house. Thus, the first branch of the Ramakrishna Math, which is now flourishing as an international spiritual organization, was started in Chennai.
Even after the passing away of Sri Biligiri Iyengar in 1902, Swami Ramakrishnananda continued his work here till 1906. In 1906 this property was brought to sale by auction by the mortgage.
The Government took over the building in 1917 and it has been renovated recently, with a statue of Swami Vivekananda installed. Today, it houses a gallery of 150 rare photographs on the life of Swami Vivekananda. It also houses a section on India's cultural heritage and on the history of the building itself. The Government of Tamil Nadu named the Ice House as "Vivekanandar Illam", during 1963, the Centenary year of Swami Vivekananda.

Various Sections In Vivekananda Illam
A colourful and vibrant exhibition of paintings, 43 in all is a delight to the connoisseur and lay for its sheer beauty and artistry. They portray India from Vedic times to the advent of Sri Ramakrishna.
The photo gallery is set in a large circular verandah with 120 exhibits on the epoch making Swami Vivekananda - from his days as an itinerant monk to his conquest of West through his life and works. On display are rare photos elegantly laminated with bi-lingual (English and Tamil) subtitles and scripts. Students and admirers of the Swami Vivekananda will revel at these as it helps them recall the momentous incidents connected with his life.
On the 2nd floor is the room where Swami Vivekananda stayed from 6th to 15th Feb 1897 after his triumphant return from the West. From here he proclaimed his Mission and inspired thousands of men and women to consecrate their lives for the emancipation of our motherland and mankind in general. The room commands a breath-taking view of the beach.

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