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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram

Chidambaram was a Chola capital from 907 to 1310 and the Nataraja Temple was erected during the reign of Vira Chola Raja (927-997). The complex is said to be the oldest in southern India. It covers 13 hectares and has four gopurams, the north and south ones towering at 49m high.
Two of the gopurams are carved with the 108 classical postures of Nataraja, Siva in his role as the cosmic dancer.Other notable features of the temple are the 1000-pillared hall, the Nritta Sabha court carved out like a gigantic chariot, and the image of Nataraja himself in the inner sanctum.
There are other temples in the complex, including those dedicated to Parvati, Subrahmanya and Ganesh, and a newer Vishnu temple.The Nataraja Temple courtyard with its many shrines is open from 4 am to noon and 4.30 to 9 pm. The special puja ceremony, held at 5 pm every Friday evening, is certainly spectacular with fire rituals and the clashing of bells and drums. Every other night, at the same time, regular puja ceremonies are conducted.

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