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Monday, August 16, 2010

Haridwar Pilgrimage

Haridwar literally means the gateway to Hari, an epithet for Vishnu, the Creator in the Hindu Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer. It is also called Gangadwara, because it is near Haridwar that the Ganga, the most sacred river of the Hindus, enters the great plains. Referred to as Mayapuri Kshetra in the Puranas (ancient Hindu scriptures), Haridwar is one of the seven holy cities of the Hindus that are also known as moksapuri or sapta-puri. Thousands of pilgrims come here to pray at the numerous temples that dot the city. Besides, the Kumbha Mela (a month long fair) is the key draw in Haridwar. It attracts a crowd that numbers in millions.
¤ Historic Perspective
 Haridwar is a very old city. It is mentioned in the accounts of Huien Tsang, the famous 7th century Chinese traveller. In 1399 a.d., the city was stormed by the Turkish invader, Amir Timur (Tamerlane). Timur had already conquered Persia, Afghanistan and Mesopotamia, and now had his eyes set on India. In fact, it was on the pretext of championing Islam that Timur gained the support of his courtiers and soldiers who did not like the idea of an invasion of so remote a land. and when he did invade India, many people (mainly Hindus) in Haridwar were done to death by his fierce Turkish army.

During the 19th century, Haridwar became an important centre of Arya Samaj, a reform movement in the 19th century India. In 1902, the Arya Samajis, or the followers of this sect, founded the Gurukul of Haridwar that became the famous Centre for Vedic Studies.

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